Fortune cookie wisdom #53

Let’s finish this up now, someone is waiting for you on that.

I received this fortune cookie several months ago, or who knows maybe my husband did. At the time, he said it was about finishing my memoir. Well, this past week I finished it. I thought I would feel excited, but I felt rather somber about it. Instead of relishing in the success of completing my goal, I felt like I finished my life’s grand purpose. I spent years thinking about it and working on it. I had the idea in my mind since grade school.

I know it sounds melodramatic, but what will I do next? I want to keep writing. For the first time I considered writing fiction. But at this point I’m really not sure. There is still much work to do to get my book published.

I told my daughter Angel I would let her read my book. I want my husband to read it too. This past weekend my daughter loaded my book onto a flash drive. It makes me nervous to think she will start reading it soon.

Sitting in the muck

It’s hard to believe the first half of December is over already. A few days ago, I finished writing my book. Now hopefully no new traumas happen like the first time I finished my book. After that, I ended up rewriting most of the book I earlier finished. I’m going to take a couple weeks off and come January I will start the editing process. I’m going to try to blog more often again.

It’s been a busy month as most Decembers are. I am ready for Christmas though. The gifts are all bought and wrapped. Now I just have to get ready to host several parties in the next week or so.

Last weekend we got together with Paul’s step-dad Darryl, his fiancé, and another couple we haven’t seen in about 20 years. Darryl’s fiancé’s dad passed away back in May. He was in his mid-90s. Darryl’s fiancé is still feeling a lot of grief over his loss. It’s hard for me to understand her level of grief as he lived a very full life. Her therapist told her she needs to go out more. So we went out and had a really nice time visiting and catching up.

I was starting to feel a bit jealous. Not only did Darryl’s fiancé have a great relationship with her dad, but her therapist told her to go out more. I wish my therapist would say things like that. Last week my therapist told me to sit in the shit. She said I needed to get comfortable with being uncomfortable.

Why can’t I be told to go out more and have more fun in my life??

What’s happening this week – 11/9/23

Hello! I think this time of year is always one of the hardest thinking of the winter ahead. I can no longer trick myself into thinking it is summer because the warm days are gone along with the healthy summer glow. With the time change, the skies are dark at 5 PM. All I want to do is sleep or eat like I’m preparing my body for hibernation.

I haven’t been feeling the best either. Some days I can really tell I have an ulcer with the stomach upset and nausea. The last several days have been cool and rainy. My joints ached like crazy. My whole body seemed locked down in pain and I just felt tired and crabby. It’s hard to believe the weather can affect how I feel physically. It doesn’t seem logical. There is still a mourning process to everything. Five years ago I ran a 50k. Now there are some days where walking up the steps feels like climbing a mountain. The whole experience has really humbled and changed me.

This week has seen it’s fair share of problems. This past weekend, the hot tub stopped working. The jets made a clicking sound and turned on and off by themselves. It sounded like the motor was going to burn out. I haven’t been able to find someone to fix it yet. One evening Paul and I came home to a strange noise downstairs to find water shooting out of the back pipe of the toilet. Several rooms were flooded including Arabella’s bedroom. At least it was clean water and it wasn’t from the leak Paul fixed a couple weeks ago. One of the dogs has a red swollen eye. I’m hoping it’s nothing serious. Best case scenario is the cat got him and he will learn his lesson about chasing cats. I don’t want to think what worse case scenario is. This morning I caught the dogs pulling stinky algae encrusted dead leaves out of the stagnant water of our decorative pond, fighting over them, and then gouging them down. Gross!

Arabella finally was able to get back on her health insurance and went in for a check up to get some of her medications reissued. She has been coughing quite a bit lately. I’ve been jokingly telling her she needs to quit smoking. Turns out she ended up testing positive for strep. I’m not surprised she started a new restaurant job and is sick already.

Angel and Dan left earlier this week for their honeymoon/anniversary trip to St. Lucia. It sounds like they are having a wonderful time. I was the one who suggested the location since it’s the most beautiful place I’ve ever been. I was able to give them a lot of tips and ideas about travelling and what to see while they are there. Paul and I are very jealous and long to be in the Caribbean sun right about now. I’m really happy for them they can experience travelling while they are young and carefree.

Because of my health, I’m fearful of the best travelling years window starting to close. It happened so much faster than I was ever expecting. My husband said the other day instead of climbing mountains, we can still view them. There is some truth to that.

This week I started writing my memoir again. I am a lot further along then I thought I was. I probably only have a couple weeks left until the writing is finished and the editing begins. I am excited about this. But what happens after? I would like to keep writing but don’t have any more big goals.

What’s happening-November 1, 2023

It’s hard to believe November is here already. This morning we broke down and turned on the heat. Yesterday we received our first snowfall of the season. Not the best day to go trick or treating. Not that I worry about it anymore. The kids have grown and we live in an area, although I bought candy and turned on the lights for two years in a row, no one knocks upon the door. This year I did not buy candy and instead volunteered at the cat shelter. Today I finished my yard work. For the life of me, I don’t know why I waited this long.

Yesterday I had my GI follow up appointment. Turns out I do have an ulcer. My colonoscopy results were not normal either this time and back in 2020. They are not sure what is wrong but think I might be in the early stages of ulcerative colitis. For now they put me on acid reducing medication and I have to follow up in January to do another endoscopy to see if the ulcer is gone. I know I’ve had ulcers before because I’ve had this pain several other times in my life. Once was during childhood. I pretty much quit eating because my stomach hurt so bad. My parents threatened to take me to the doctor but never did. Once was right before I did a marathon.

I’m thankful to have a vigilant doctor. Sometimes I worry that it is all in my head like the seizures I was having. I have to be less hard on myself when my body is less than perfect.

I’m planning on hunkering down and writing more starting next week. I always worry about what I am going to do once I finish my book. But life has a funny way of giving me more to write about.

Photos of the new pets

Here are the pictures of our new pets I have been promising to post:

Here is a really cute picture of our Beagle puppies. They love playing together in the yard with toys, sticks, or anything they can find.

Here is a picture of my rescue cat. If you look at his paws, you will notice he is polydactyl. He is full of sugar and spice. Today I entered a writing contest about my cat and I to try to win a $100,000 grant for the pet shelter I got him from. It’s a real long shot, but why not?

Gratitude week 170

  1. Life has been really tough the last week and a half with our daughter in jail. I’m grateful for all the support from family and friends. When my best friend found out, she dropped everything she was doing and came over to our house with her husband. It was comforting to not be alone.
  2. I’m grateful March is over and we are one step closer to my favorite season, summer. March came in like a lion and roared like a lion on its way out. We got a lot of snow and still have snow on the ground so it doesn’t feel very spring like.
  3. I hosted a murder mystery party over the weekend which was a lot of fun. I was the only one who guessed the murderer correctly. (Although Paul didn’t have the opportunity because he found out his character was the murderer).
  4. We spotted the fox in our yard a couple more times which is a rare sighting.
  5. Volunteering and helping others.
  6. A good group session.
  7. I got my third tattoo, a cross in the middle of my back. To me it symbolizes suffering and the endurance of it. All my tattoos have special meaning to me.
  8. I was able to do some writing when I was in a bad place. For me that seems like the best time to write my story because I can write with more feeling and purpose.
  9. Last night we got together with some friends we are traveling with at the end of the month for supper and games.
  10. Today my mom came over and we went out to eat for lunch and went for a walk. It was a good visit.
  11. We were able to hire a lawyer for our daughter and we are working on getting her an official diagnosis.
  12. My son got promoted to a team leader at work and got a good raise.

Gratitude week 163

  1. I’m grateful we didn’t go to the yurt and were able to get a lot of stuff done. Lisa said it took 4 hours for them to hike into the yurt on a snowy hilly path with wind chills of 20 below. Then they left early, only staying one night instead of two, because they couldn’t get it to warm up more than 60 degrees inside the yurt. We picked another weekend to get together.
  2. I’m grateful that we found Arabella a car and I got it all registered and insured. I let my daughter use my car until I got it registered. I ended up driving her car to get it registered at the DMV without plates. I thought for sure I would get pulled over especially after a squad car pulled up behind me at the gas station. He didn’t even bothering glancing my way more than once and didn’t follow me. Only proves I’m a middle aged lady not even a threat at all for committing a crime. I strike fear in no one. Sad! LOL.
  3. My mom took Paul and I out for hibachi/sushi to thank my husband for helping her with Matt’s bookkeeping. I had crab rangoon sushi which was amazing.
  4. Volunteer time.
  5. Paul and I went to see our couple’s therapist who is very insightful. I think she can help us. I actually made my therapist cry when I told her some of my childhood stories. She wants me to join a woman’s group she is having and I think I will give it a try.
  6. We were supposed to get a snowstorm on the night I was planning a girl’s night with Angel, Lexi, and Arabella. We had plans to go out to eat and thrifting. The 6 inches of snow turned out to be about 6 snowflakes, so I didn’t have to cancel.
  7. I had some good finds thrifting. I was able to replenish my supply of candles and I found a murder mystery party game. Angel found multiple Stephen King books she didn’t have.
  8. The guys were able to make a lot of headway fixing my son’s car.
  9. I spent some time working on my book and feel more organized about it.
  10. I just finished a really difficult puzzle.
  11. Angel and I are going to spend some time together this afternoon sorting donations at the place I volunteer at.

What should be taught?

The day I received the diagnosis of arthritis, I mailed a package. In and of itself, this fact is not very blog worthy. I mailed the package at a store which has a counter for the post office.

There was a young man, an employee of the store, that took my package. He inspected it and told me he could not read my handwriting. Specifically he could not read cursive. He needed me to translate what I wrote. I knew my cursive was not bad because back when I was in grade school my mom made me copy out of the encyclopedia (which for many years I worried I was guilty of plagiarism) so I wouldn’t have the cursive chicken scrawl of my dad. Since then no one ever said my cursive was illegible. In fact, most people said my handwriting is pretty good for someone who is left handed.

Young people are not being taught cursive in school anymore and now some of those children who weren’t taught are in the work force can’t read mail. How scary is that? I lamented to my best friend. I felt like I aged 10 years in just one day. She said someday no one will be able to read the documents our country are founded on such as the Constitution and Declaration of Independence. As if anyone is going to read them anyway. Someone must carry on the ancient art of hieroglyphics. That in and of itself is rather scary to me. If only a few are left who can read and translate they can have the power to make it say whatever they want it to say with no one the wiser. History is already being ‘changed’ because we don’t like it. How are we supposed to learn from the mistakes our country made when it was young?

My best friend also said alphabetizing is no longer taught in school, something we learned in grade school. She said she volunteered to hand out the baseball uniforms for her son’s baseball club. She had some high schoolers help her and they had no idea how to put the uniforms in alphabetical order by last name. First you start with A… Gone are the days of massive card catalogs at the library. I can’t even remember the last time I went to the library to find something out. That used to be the only place we could go to find answers. When is the last time you looked up a word in an actual dictionary or looked up something in an encyclopedia? Is alphabetization still something that needs to be taught?

Are there skills you think should be taught in school or removed from the curriculum? I always thought everyone should have some basic skills such as simple car care, budgeting, how to fill out forms such as taxes, how to balance a checking account, basic cooking, repairs etc…

One thing I found frustrating when my kids were in school is that they taught math differently. It was the same problem with the same answer with a different way to do the work making it almost impossible for parents to help their kids if needed. If something works, why fix it? Do we need countless useless updates? Is that really progress? I guess I am a stick with what works kind of person. Don’t change things for the sake of changing things.

Back when I was in high school, I took a class called shorthand along with a classroom full of girls. I should’ve taken typing instead. But shorthand was the rage. We could take notes super fast in little scribbles like on the doctor’s prescription pad. Oh wait, do doctors even do that anymore?? What a waste of time that class was. I even thought so at the time. Do you even know anyone who writes in shorthand anymore? If so, I bet no one can read it if some people nowadays can’t even read cursive. It took as much effort as learning a foreign language without the benefit of learning one. I think that’s one class we can ax. (It was probably already axed 20 years ago).

These are just some of my basic observations and thoughts without being an educator. What are your thoughts? Are there things no longer taught that should be taught? Are certain classes outdated? Should we change things that are tried and true for the sake of progress?

Fortune cookie wisdom #39

Dwelling on the negative simply contributes to its power.

I think the key word here is dwelling. I recently heard on the radio that negative experiences are more memorable than positive ones. I think that is true.

Yesterday I spent 3 1/2 hours writing. A small portion was writing on my blog and the rest I spent writing my book. I added a journal entry written by my mom to the book describing Matt hitting my brother Mark and also hitting and kicking me. I wrote about my brother attacking me from my mom’s point of view. I can’t even describe what that feels like. In some ways I felt totally detached since the journal entry was almost 30 years old. Mainly I felt sad for the little girl that was me.

Then I wrote another entry remembering a time my mom asked my dad to help her by watching my brothers and I swim in the lake up north while she made supper. Any time my mom asked my dad for help he did things aggressively or half assed. Let’s just say I didn’t have the dad who would sweep me onto his lap and read books to me on the couch.

This is what happened that day when my mom asked for help. My dad came in the water with us. When Mark and Luke were swimming my dad would grab them by their feet and yank them backwards. My brothers would choke and sputter swallowing water and getting it up their noses. Then they would cry and dad would laugh saying they were just playing a game.

I was terrified of the weeds so my dad grabbed me and forced me to stand in the weeds and muck. He laughed at me while I cried and called me names. When he let me go, he threw weeds and a dead fish at me. It didn’t take long for my brothers and I to be done swimming. My dad got out of doing something he didn’t want to do. He got his jollies by making us cry, calling us names, mocking and humiliating us.

That pretty much sums up my childhood. My brother Matt frequently attacked us with no consequence because there was something wrong with him. I wouldn’t consider my dad to be physically abusive per se. There were times he hit and manhandled us, but he seemed to enjoy terrorizing us more. He liked taking what we were afraid of the most and taunting us with it like my fear of weeds. When we would cry he would laugh in our face and call us babies. He often called us stupid.

If my dad was taunting a sibling it was best to ignore him or better yet to join him because that would ensure your safety. Comforting a sibling often meant your next. Pretend not to care. Pretend nothing scares you. Show no vulnerability or weakness where he could worm in.

I spent several hours writing about the physical abuse from my brother and the psychological abuse from my dad. By the end of the afternoon I was spent. I was feeling depressed and wanted to just emotional detach from everyone. Thinking about the negative things that happened to me really wasn’t doing me any good.

My husband said maybe I shouldn’t continue writing the book or just do it in small segments of time. I told him writing this book gives my life purpose and meaning. The question is how can I write about painful experiences without dwelling on the negative? I end up spending a lot of time in a place I no longer want to be.

I do think writing my story is very therapeutic and healing, but I can’t deny there is a dark side to it as well.

Little illiterate me

Last night I was catching up on reading some blogs before supper. My friend Ashley at Mental Health @ Home (you should really check out her blog if you haven’t already) posted something about checking your blog to see how easy it is to find and follow. I figured it’s been a couple years, why not? I was appalled with what I found. My theme was gone and there was nothing there but a plain white background. My follow button along with all my archived blog posts were gone as well. I just about died.

Of course it had to happen when I didn’t have hours to fix it. My husband was making homemade pizza and the kids were visiting after supper. Not only that, my search engine had some sort of child safety lock on it which I couldn’t seem to turn off. I was in a horrible mood which spiraled into my total hatred of technology making me sound like a bitter old lady to the twenty agers. Nothing makes me feel older or stupider than not being able to make something work and having to have my kids help me.

It’s my own fault. I should check my blog more often. To me going on my site is as repulsive as watching a video of myself singing, and I am a pretty good singer. It’s a cringeworthy form of torture. So needless to say I didn’t sleep very well last night.

I think for my age my computer literacy is average. I always learned what I needed to know to be able to get by. But quite frankly I’m old school traditional. I have a calendar I keep on the wall to keep track of appointments. I like to read books that are made out of trees. My blog is very basic. I update my profile picture every two years. I have had the same cover photo since I started once I stopped using the theme picture.

I don’t like change. I don’t like useless updates. If something is not broken, why fix it?? Why not stick with the tried and true? Do you really think I care if the search bar is at the top or the bottom of my phone screen? If updated was better that would be one thing. But usually it’s frustrating because I have to learn a new way of doing things after finally figuring out the old way which was a million times better. It’s almost as if they are doing updates just to look good for doing updates.

Thankfully I was able to take the kid friendly setting off my searches. That whole thing was a crock anyway when my kids were young. I had to have my kids set up the parental controls which was useless. I pretended they worked and they pretended they couldn’t get around them.

This morning I updated my blog. I found out my theme was rewritten and that is why I had a blank screen. My archives and follow button were old and inactivated widgets. Everything was just garbage and I was tempted to just delete the whole damn thing. But I figured it out without having to have my children hold my hand. It just drives me crazy though! I have no idea how long it was like that.

Thanks Ashley for prompting me to check out my own blog. Besides being frustrated with my own blog, nothing frustrates me more than wanting to follow a new blog and being unable to because it just isn’t user friendly.

I’ve noticed other glitches too over the last couple weeks. I have somehow unfollowed blogs accidently and sometimes when I like someone’s post it shows up later that I didn’t like it. I also stopped receiving notifications, although it is turned on both on my phone and WP.

I am not as computer literate as I would like to be, but I will keep on trying.